manu sharma
6 min readSep 29, 2020


While the T14 Armata and the M1A2 Abrams are two of the world’s most advanced and deadliest main battle tanks even though some things about these tanks are kept in high secrecy we do know a lot about these machines and we’re gonna compare between the two

the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank is a further development of the M1A1 tank it is a third-generation American main battle tank and is considered to be now one of the heaviest tanks in service the t14 Armada however is the next-generation Russian main battle tank based on the Armada Universal combat platform and is the first series-produced next-generation tank the M1A2 Abrams is operated by a crew of four including a commander gunner loader and a driver the T14, however, is operated only by three crew including just a commander gunner and a driver the unit cost of M1A2 Abrams is 6.21 million u.s. dollars which nearly doubles that of the Armata which cost only about 3.7 us million dollars as for the dimensions the Abrams is a little bigger compared to the Armada except for its height their length measures nine point seven meters and eight-point seven meters and therewith measures three point seven meters and three-point five meters and their height measures two-point four meters and three-point three meters although their sizes are

Almost the same but the M1A2 is far heavier than the T14 the Abrams is 15 tons heavier than the Armata.the Abrams is powered with Honeywell a GT 1500 gas turbine which produces an output of 1,500 horsepower and is equipped with Allison D Dax thousand one hundred three B transformation the T14 Armata however is powered with the CHT z12 and 360 diesel engine delivering up to 1500 to 2,000 horsepower and has a 12 speed automatic gearbox transmission the M1A2 can travel at a maximum on-road and off-road speed of 67 km/h and 40 km/h while the armada can go up to 90 km/h and 33 km/h the Abrams therefore has an advantage in the cross-country performance the Abrams has an operational range of 426 kilometers while the Armada has an operational range of 500 kilometers so overall in terms of engine power and mobility both tanks have their own strengths and weaknesses defense expert consider the T14 Armata to be more agile than the Abrams due to its superiority in power to weight ratio the Abrams measures 24 horsepower per tonne while they achieve 14 measures 31 horsepower per tonne now apart from all those general performance let’s have a look at a more important feature the M1A2 Abrams main armament is the 120 millimeter and 256 a1 smoothbore it is accurate and has a range of effective fire in excess of 4 kilometers secondary armament includes a 50 caliber m2hb machine gun and a 7.62 millimeter and 240 machine gun the armadas main armament is the 282 1m 125 millimeter smoothbore cannon with 45 rounds it has more muzzle energy than the gun of the Abrams its secondary armament includes a 12 point 7 millimeter chord machine gun and a 7.62 millimeter PKM machine gun so far it is unclear how accurate is the gun of the Russian Armada in order to compare with the M1A2 Abrams armor and protection the abrams is protected by showroom compose it armour protection of the m1a2 was improved by using depleted uranium mash at the front of the hull and turret in our first significant protection against all known anti-tank weapons however overall weight increased comparing with the m1a1 the composite Armour consists of sandwiched plates of non-explosive reactor armor between conventional steel plates protection of the M1A2 Abrams is considered as one of the best in the world

the T14Armata crew of three however they are protected by an internal armored capsule with more than 900 millimeter rolled homogeneous Armour equivalent both the chasis and the turret are equipped with the knowledge of dual explosive reactor armor system on the front sides and top that can reduce penetration of apfsds and heat rounds by at least 50% so overall in terms of protection none of these two tanks have an advantage over the other talking about crew survivability the interior of the abrams is lined with kevlar liner for protection against poly for crews inside are very much well protected and has some chances of surviving even when the armor is penetrated by weapons most of the ammunition is stored in a turret bustle with blow-out Hamill’s the bustle is separated from the fighting compartment and if the bustle is hit a munition detonates without killing the crew some rounds are stored inside the hull and protective containers looking at the russian armada three of its crew members are seated in a well protected armored cell increasing their chance of survival in case of a catastrophic kill this tank has completely unmanned turret with such crew layout the crew is completely separated from automatic loader and ammunition and it has improved the resistance to damage and can operate even with penetrated armor as far as the crew cell is still intact so overall I believe the Russian Armata might be slightly superior in terms of crew survivability due to its protected crew cell entirely isolated ammunition the American M1A2 Abrams entered service in 1992 and there are thousands of them a number of these tanks were exported to many countries such as Australia Egypt Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia and so on it has proven combat in many wars like the Persian Gulf War Iraq warm war in Afghanistan Iraqis Civil War and many more furthermore only filled these tanks were ever destroyed so the Abrams deserves reputation as being one of the best tanks in the world on the other hand the Russian T14 Armata is a new clean sheet design that is still being developed improved and tested it first entered service in 2015 and only a small batch of pre-production tanks was built it has never proven combat yet but based on few sources Russia is preparing to launch a full-scale production of these tanks and these productions could begin in just a few years from now well basically the Abrams has an advantage of being proven in a reliable design that performs well during various military conflicts so what about the overall performance who wins here overall I believe the new Russian tank is on par with the US Abrams tank in some areas it is slightly superior than the Abrams however it has got no cutting edge superiority the Abrams has technical superiority in cross-country performance and this tank is a proven design that recommended itself well during numerous military conflicts the Armata has an advantage of survivability and crew protection but this tank is still a raw design that is likely to have numerous teething problems.

Originally published at on September 29, 2020.

